I've been working on the FAQ for Monday (keep those questions coming!) and kind of forgot that I needed to post something today. Don't have enough for a quiz, and while Max Gaertig's new 8.7" rise WTP bars are interesting, they're not interesting enough to make a whole post about.
So, instead, I figured I'd post a photo of one of my old bikes and let you all make fun of it. Apparently I was following the three-fist rule—Gary Ellis ain't got shit on me.

No, I'm not riding that bike now
Enjoy the weekend.
I LOVE 1998!!! oh and chrome forks too...
Had those forks also, sweet sticker.
All the high-tech parts of the day and you had to go and put a shitty Chris King on there, oh well no one's perfect.
i still run a skidmark in the back.
I never had a problem with Chris King headsets. Probably should have tried a Solid, though. Never did get one.
My girlfriend's son has that sprocket on his bike.
That sprocket weighs more than most modern drivetrains.
That is a beautiful bike for it's time.
the stickers alone weigh as much as a seat clamp.
Most of those parts are still hanging around, I think. The frame (sans most of the stickers) is hanging in my parents basement on Long Island. It was the first Standard I ever bought new.
The bars were a pair of old PrimoPros that came off Grimaldo Duran's bike. Pretty sure they were bent, then bent back, but I never had any problems.
Eh, what's the 3-fist rule again?
^The fist rule references how many fists you can grasp the amount of seat post showing. A more common version of the rule is the "one fist rule" where those of us who refuse to slam all the way despite peer pressure to do so always keep at least a fist of post showing.
That thing is fucking badass...I remember when 75% the riders in my town had sta's..I walked in the local shop once and some litle kid was asking what frames the best and the dude picked up a white STA
When I was riding that bike, I feel like 90 percent of the riders in NYC were on Standards.
didnt know that there was such thing in bmx as bullying people with wrong bike.......
i love the smell of sarcsm in the morning.
oops..another hurried typo, g.
Fool me once,but you cant fool me twice..guys,lets make fun of Todd...NOW!
Todd, I need to know what kind of size 13 shoes you have, or is the site a pretty good representation of what you have in stock?
Also, penus.
Stephen, our web site is pretty accurate for shoes. also, we usually have a bunch of slightly older and/or discontinued shoes on sale real cheap in our retail store (that have been dropped from the web site) so if you call i can tell you what's available in your size.
SPRFLS comments = Albe's new ordering system?
Todd,any lotek left?9.5?Also,when the federal 20/20 bars are gonna hit the shopS?
This website rules. Thank you.
what website
Ok. Blog...
stickers were pretty hot back then
Please can you visit this blog and say how bad it is ! Thank You
only discontinued/discounted Loteks we have are size 13. we have no discounted 9.5s in anything, sorry.
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