I will say this, though: my trusty old iBook G4 flamed out for good last week (logic board failure, or so they say), so I'm on a brand-new computer—a basic aluminum Macbook—for the first time in forever. Seeing that I hadn't had to buy a computer since 1989 or so, I figured I got off somewhat easy. Of course I hadn't backed anything up in forever either, so I'm in limbo as to whether ANY of my data can be saved. It wasn't the hard drive itself that burned out, thankfully, but from what the Geniuses at the Apple Store had to say, transferring everything off won't be an easy task. So I'm holding my breath.
What else? The economy still sucks. And nobody's safe. Not sure whether you saw it or not, but Rick Moliterno is selling off a bunch of his stuff on eBay, including his original RAD script, a shitload of original Shimano DX pedals and a grab bag of half-finished Standard prototype stuff. At least they're not selling the disco records they used to put together the Style Cats soundtrack. Or Kerry Gatt himself.
Not yet, anyway.
Meanwhile, it's business as usual, and I have every intention of throwing myself back in the mix before I get kicked off of BMXfeed due to inactivity. The new computer will help, because, the old one? Sixty percent of the time it worked, every time.
In the meantime, ESPN's got this BMX thing on lock anyway.
you should see if they can just pop your old drive into an external / usb enclosure. not sure if the apple store will be into it, maybe try an independent mac repair place.
Yeah, I'm giving them first crack at it (so to speak), but if they can't or won't, it's off to Tekserv.
Judging from the comments (or lack thereof), I guess I'm starting over from scratch. Which is fine.
Either that, or disabling anonymice killed it.
for the sake of the blog...
You should know better than most that the success of this whole internet thing is in giving the everyman a sense of equality and most importantly a voice. Whether that voice it is the cracking, self indulgent, anti-social squeal of a pubescent gen Z-er or the wise reverberations of a respected journalist is neither here nor there.
EVERYONE must be allowed to sling shit and hate on anyone or anything they wish or this whole damn thing might come apart.
Do you want to be solely responsible for breaking the internet?
I say break the internet. The lack of comments is due to a lack of things to comment on, that's all.
I figured the Moliterno eBay extravaganza would spark some discussion, but maybe it's been posted too many other places already.
Or maybe it's just depressing.
you just got the new macbook because it is lighter than your old one. dont lie to us.
Is it depressing? Or is it just "I have a box of DX pedals that I might as well turn into cash."
I always hope for the best, I guess.
Maybe Sun Ringlé threatened him. Or his wife/girl did.
Now that you have a new MacBook you should give TimeMachine (and a TimeCapsule for extra credit) a go. It's really a great backup application. Has worked great for me over the last year.
We were wondering if you were coming back. But SPRFLS and all blogs have been blocked at work, so expect to hear less from me anyway......
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