Flatland parts have always been weird. Well, maybe not always, but ever since everything went all micro. That said, this sprocket is possibly the weirdest flatland part ever. Skip-tooth sprockets are nothing new, but making a skip-tooth sprocket this small just seems to be asking for it. Considering the durability issues, they should probably sell these in six-packs.
Wonder Woman, your seat is ready. No word whether it stimulates the Wonder Clitoris, but all signs point to yes.
If you ever wondered whether you could run 22/8 with chainstay brakes, you can. And if you're not getting T1's Freaky Friday e-mails, you're really missing out:

Profile done gone lost their minds. Checkerboard cranks? Who are those targeting, these guys?
Oh, and expect several companies who pick their parts from the ol' Taiwanese catalog to be unveiling their No Class™ rims soon. I can hardly wait!

I find it hard to write this, but I need to pick up a digital scale soon. It should go up to, say, 10 pounds or so and be fairly accurate to a tenth of an ounce or so. I have a bunch of grips laying around and I want to figure out which set is the lightest before I build a new bike. Recommendations? Anyone ever buy one off eBay?
mostly stoked that the link to the sprocket fed me a "need a new chain?" link underneath the pic. Maybe it should be "need a cheap dentist?"
after work i'm gonna hop on my Vespa, drop my new Profile cranks at my house before heading off the the record shop to pick up a new copy of "One Step Beyond".
Thanks for reminding me to do the suspender strut down to the local vintage shop and get some new old Ben Sherman threads.
Those Profiles would have gone huge back in the so-long-ago-I'm-not-sure-when-it-was, when the racers all ran non-matching black-and-white checked pad sets and Vans and number plates and seat covers and grips and gloves and pants and elbow pads and...
Damn. So ugly.
i have nothing to say, so i will say it
" "
So, with that 18t that is actually a 9t, you could run 9/9 or 9/8 gearing?
Actually, goofy math aside, you could actually run an 18/18 now!
obvsly there targeting those cranks to the fixxxie crowd, to match the slip ons!
Pretty sure I have an 18 tooth freewheel somewhere...
I know for a FACT I've got an 18T coaster sprocket laying around...left over from the days when Suntour was the only game in town. Even as early as 12 years ago, 16 tooths were hard to come by, 18 and 19 were much more common, if you had bad luck you might have to run a 20 or 22......
18 tooth front sprocket....talk about sprfls......
jesus the god. those sandal pedals are genius. imagine taking them off and wearing them around o_O that's ridiculous.
the sound of two penises slapping together...
If you had a Euro bottom bracket you could throw on a set of front freewheel cranks and concievably run 16/16. . . or even 16/18. . . or whatever floats your boat really.
I've given thought to trying to find an 8 tooth pocket bike cog to use as a sprocket
paired with a 22 tooth ACS freewheel. It'd look like a dirt bike.
That would look like hot shit with those checkered cranks. Maybe I'll stop by local BMX retailer and pickituppickitup.
so not only do those rims come with hoopty drilled bits, but you have to buy FOUR parts to make up a whole rim? That's just crazytalk. I'll take 8 peices please.
Wow! That was quite the story telling! Im quite amazed at all the things you've done! No wonder your soo happy! Well I hope you had your fun and excitement. In the mean while, as winters kicking in right now, we might be expecting some change! A change in weather hopefully to the better :} I dunno, some how reading about what you wrote makes me remember things that I never thought I would have ever remembered, funny how that works doesn't it??
-Much LoVe
Compaq Laptop Parts
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