The Flick Trix finger bike:

How could I have been so blind? You know every designer and editor has at least one of these things, whether they use it to do Luc-E's across the top of their laptop screen or nosewheelies across the space bar or just stare at it when the day goes too long. And despite the Fatboy seattube interrupted and the Jay Miron handlebar angle, there were a lot of design cues to pilfer. Check out these detail shots:

One piece bar/stem combo? Check. Fork with built-in race? Check. Bonded seat/post combo? Check. Plastic pedals? Check. Two-piece cranks? Check. Plastic bottom bracket? Check. Massive tires front and rear? Check. Even ideas that have already come and gone—like the beer can headtube and plastic sprocket—were first seen on these little bike-shaped crystal balls.
So when belt drive and plastic frames finally become a reality, don't blame the "designers." Blame their inspiration.
Every finger bike I had was destroyed by my son. Bobby flowed me a couple more, but they got trashed as well. My son loves Aaron Ross' part in Chill Bro and emulates the bike tossing antics with the fervor normally reserved for World Cup soccer matches.
I wonder if Rick looks back at the take he got from his finger bike licensing deal and knowingly smiles while thinking the Mustang was totally worth it...
An indian giver? ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Soo much style with that finger bike. It would look better if he took some pruning shears to that pinky and got it outta the way, lighter too!
*searches junk drawer for Standard Tao finger bike to sesh with...
flix trix frames were metal, the forks were plastic.
word verfication: tractur
So yeah, I can't wait until we get the "3-piece" handlebar with the split crossbar. . . and um the brake that activates by pushing on the seat. . . how soon will someone be taking preorders?
the video is by a guy that is in the new Dig trails issue. Turnando! He's a one of a kind awesome guy.
proverbialmuffintops, goddamiit
Drugs rick.........................
Oh no you didn't.
The beaded thing is actually a candle thingamajob from I don't even remember where. I sure as hell didn't make it.
Hahaha. I love these things. Every time I get bored I sit around and play with them. I have 2 GT performers. lol. I should make a video. No one will beat my dirt style.
woah you can tailwhip to tailtap/fufanu/abubaca no footed!!!
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khe are still using the fat internal gyro, eastern grim reapered seat tubes. all we need now is the belt drive!
The belt drive on my DK pro XL one always falls off.
Stupid race bikes.
I have a white haro 540 on my desk
I cant wait for the brake that is operated by sitting down, that way you can have the brakeless look but with safety and control !
Finger bikes are coming back. All the companies and riders are signing their deals as I type. How good is that?
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