This might wind up being the post for today (today meaning Monday) AND tomorrow, as I'm going to a Nets game at the Izod Center. You used to be able to just hop a bus at Port Authority—now you have to catch a train at Penn Station, then connect to a bus in Secaucus. Matter of fact, I should probably just leave now just in case something goes wrong. Regardless, I suppose I should leave you with several things (including the long-awaited t-shirt poll so I can give Supes some work).
My Monday got off to a somewhat pleasant start when I saw Brian Foster's bike check on RIDE. It's good to see that some people still ride BMX bikes that look like BMX bikes. (And BF still kills it, so it's not like his long chainstays and...well, whatever that white pole is between his seat and toptube seem to be hurting him any.) I also appreciate the venerable 2.1 Dirt Monster/1.95 V-Monster combo, which it seems like everyone in NYC ran before Walls came out. And I agree with the one commenter's sentiment that he should keep the Tech 77. Like my man Charles Oakley says, if it ain't broke, break it.
Then things took a turn for the worse when I read the depressingly embarassing Gatorade advertorial over on EXPN. It made me think, though, just how DID athletes rehydrate before Gatorade? Was it even possible? Or did guys just compete until they died of thirst? Oh yeah, that's right, there was that stuff called water. Worked pretty good, too, even without electrolytes and sugar and stuff. Is water still around? It is? Man, they need to hire a better marketing team—maybe change the name to "W" or something. I hear the kids like those short, punchy names. In the meantime, if a guy wins the X-Games and then gets a Gatorade cooler emptied over his head, I'm throwing a brick through my TV.
Finally, leave it to the roadies to make all the BMX lightweight "innovations" seem sensible. Thanks to Neil Browne's ROAD magazine Twitter feed I found out about this 10.1 pound Cannondale (without pedals—which is a fairly normal way to weigh road bikes but seems like cheating to me, since it would presumably ride better with them) that costs a mere $15,000. It's also five pounds under the UCI legal minimum weight, which means you can't even race the thing without hanging a cinderblock on it somewhere. Basically the only reason you buy a bike like this is to brag that you have a 10-pound bike with no pedals. (I'm starting to like the idea of eliminating parts from the bike before weighing it, though—check out the crazy four-pound FBM I just built up.)
Anyway, let's get to this t-shirt thing. I want to get a small run (say, 50) printed up of one of the original designs I came up with a long time ago. Nothing fancy, just one color on white (or black). So here's three possibilities. Pick one:

Public Enemy shirt fo sho.
The clip makes me miss my iPod.
Id say the seat post clamp one if any. Since when were we athlets? I thought we rode BMX because it wasnt a sport, at least I did. I see us turning into the new skateboarding and thats not cool.
#3-Just Do It
Gotta be "anonymous is hating"
Plans to ship overseas?
Gatorade is thirst aid!
International shipping shouldn't be a problem, but let's not put the landing in front of the kicker.
It kind of weirds me out that Nigel now shares TWO sponsors with Tiger Woods.
Either #1 or #3. I'm leaning towards number one. I'd actually pay to get some shipped way up here to Canada for my Jam I'm holding this May. Nothing says awesome like having a jam sponsored by SPRFLS ;) But I'd just settle for my own clamp T.
Verification word was mashew...hmm...
Top one for sure! thats awesome :)
Damnit I can't decided which one I like better...I like number 3 better now haha.
Go with number 3.
actually fuck all of them.
first one for sure
Russ, I think it should be: "You are not the width of your handlebars." That's my favorite SPRFLS quote.
i like "anonymous is hating"
Anonymous is hating.
Anonymous is hating which is infact false cause this annoymous is loving that shirt. strange.
They're all gay
"anonymous is hating"
#3 for me.
Anonymous is hating.
Russ, you want to ship one to me in the uk.
#2. I love my seat clamp.
Number 1.
Word Verification: psyclerr
That's like psycho and cycler rolled into one. Awesome.
clamp shirt
#1 have you seen him.
i watched the search for animal chin last night. YES.
#3...I like it. Let me throw out a fourth option. What about the blog wording you use? SPRFLS: saving BMX from itself since 2008. Have the SPRFLS in big font with the slogon underneath it. Just an idea......
Word verification: dentings
I hope that isn't a forshadowing to the type of day my bike will have as I am going to the skatepark this morning.
post clamp or hating. those are the best. I'd take both of them.
im hating!
im trying to get rid of the thought... but if over the years (yearXD) bikes have been getting lighter and lighter, shorter and shorter, tailwhipier and nose manualier... well... if someday we get to the "fuck! we went to far" mark- when theres nothing else to put steeper or to shorten or to butt or double butt and riders can do doublewhips on flat after 2 weeks of riding (see: taj´s blog)... the question is: if theres nothing else to get from the bike, when are bmx riders going to start doping to get better?
fuck the kicker-landing thing! just build up a vert and see how high you can air... im from germay and i NEED a sprfls shirt!
Where in the flying fuck is the mag wheel with Slayer font?
Anonymous is hating.
The clamp design is slightly ahead of it's time.
Have You Seen Him?
Although I'd rock any of them. As long as it's black. And comes in XXXL TALL.
Throw me down for #1, have you seen him.
Heck, just grab yourself a Taiwan parts catalog & do a run of SPRFLS seat clamp.
I think the internets would explode on that one.
anonymous is hating is funny, but i'd be more likely to wear "have you seen him."
#3 is sweet!
Animal Chin SPC - #1
^^^^^^YES....exactly what Bill S. said above. Do it!
To run with Bill S.' idea, you could get the SPRFLS clamps made to clamp on to the seatpost itself (i.e.; smaller id) so that you could run it on top of a frame's built-in seat-clamp and under the guts. Then it would have no function whatsoever (unless it one could justify a 1980s stem-stiffener on a seatpost). Both SPRFLS and RDNDNT.
I'll admit to being somewhat intrigued by the SPC idea. They'd have to be American made, though. Super Rat Machine double-bolt clamps with a bunch of holes drilled in them?
T-shirts first, though. I appreciate all the feedback so far.
Anonymous is hating.
Fun For Free: Premierbakedbeanbrand
I like the SPC and the Anon hating.
And you need to reproduce the old Mongoose triple clamp SPC.
I need trip x also.
I know you probably won't print any xxxl,
but if you do
I like the anon is hating design
I'd buy a seat post clamp one.
Seat clamp one! I would totally buy a sest clamp too, I been with you from the beginning.
Definitely the Public Enemy shirt.
make a seatclamp, but its got to be generic
Anonymous is hating.
seatpost clamp is a good idea
mabey hit this guy up
Got to be 'anonymous is hating'
Shipping to the UK would be sweet.
I kinda dont like any of them, if i had to choose...#3 then and i would buy it.
I like the idea of #1, but the extra large print and picture seems kinda played.
XXL please. Im guessing, or hoping, that most of the readers are a bit older and a bit
anonymous is hating
When Gatorade has a commercial, they always have like a guy playin' sports. I don't think ya have be like playing sports and sweating to enjoy a Gatorade. I just think you can be a thirsty dude. Gatorade forgets about this demographic. "I'm thirsty for absolutely no reason, other than the fact that liquid has not touched my lips for some time. Can I have a Gatorade, too? Or does that lightningbolt mean 'No'?" -Mitch Hedberg
My vote is "Anonymous"
I hope this gets decided on quickly, I'm gettin' hungry and need the work.
the way i see it is the "Anon" graphic is more all encompassing. message boards everywhere are stocked with dumb asses full of keyboard courage willing to leave their two cents but not their names while the seat clamp is still in use by a lot of people so your market would be a lot smaller. i'll bet there would even be frequent anonymous posters that would be stoked to have that shirt (but not admit it because it's so gay).
have you seen him
my vote goes for 'have you seen him'. in 52 colourways.
I like the idea of a SPRFLS seat Clamp...
I think i'm going to make my own with an old Primo viking outrageously drilled (to maket it more sprfls) , I'll post photos.
...and perhaps spacer with inverted stem (for the activist thing)
anonymous be hatin son
How much will the shirts weigh?
maybe you should make SPRFLS tight jeans...then you could advertise them as being internally "butt"ed
I really like the "have you seen him" shirt design. I'd buy it in a second (says the guy with a new stricker w/ integrated clamp)
have you seen him!
first one
Shirt #3. Get those printed on the same American apparel shirts that Loteks are printed on. These things rock.
My buddy build that Cannondale. His shop was also working on a sub-20 lbs. Cannondale Rize FS bike...
anonymous or the old slayer one. both gold.
numero uno... maybe draw it out like some full-chested nascar design and cut the sleeves off...
actually, maybe not...
Definately do not make either of the first two.
#3 ftw.
Seat clamp for sure. I think it would be pretty ironic considering I, uh, run this:¤t=CIMG0415-3.jpg
(trying to make a longer one out of 6061 in shop soon)
I vote for number two.
anonymous is hating shirt ftw!!!
and PE!
anon is hating ftw
the seat clamp one on a black shirt. i'd buy one.
don't bother, they all fuckin' suck!
but if i was forced to pick one #3.
I also say let supes come up with a design and see how you like it. Hes pulled thru in the past.
A SPRFLS shirt of the month club?
Order all three t-shirts and get a "free" limited-edition SPRFLS seatpost clamp!?
Order now while supplies last!
Seriously though, I will wait as long as it takes for you to do the seatpost clamp thing, and I will pay what it takes to get me one. But all I have to say is that IT HAS TO HAPPEN!!!!
Have You Seen Him!
Gotta go with the seatclamp.I'd wear it with pride!
They're all good, but for the first SPRFLS t shirt, go with the PE version - just because it has the SPRFLS logo.
2nd one....Mag wheel w/Slayer font!
I'd go back to the drawing board, sorry dude need some better shit than that economy is rough and I dont have money for silly shirts
P.E. shirt fo sho!... clamps aint dead yet, Anonymous will always hate but reppin for the movement will stand strong...
hey russ, i just dug up about 10 pairs of s&m pegs, remember 4 1/2" long, 1 1/4" dia
i almost felt bad doing feebles with chrome pegs today... guess that shit aint street? or is it??
where the fuck is my menstrual fork??!!!
did you ever get to warranty that standard stem i gave you a bazillion years ago...
go ride your bike its nice out...
Everything else just is too corny.
Gotta be "Have You Seen Him"
I want the "have you seen him" shirt right now. love it. nuttin gay. M
I was a little slow clicking through to the ESPN link but there you go and being late to the party is something Gatorade should know about.
Lucozade being created in 1927... kind of pre-dates the "original" by 38 years. Simple internet check could of turned that up. Good luck Nigel; looks like you're team boss has you in good hands..
And this is without mentioning the only drink riders need.. Tea.. that's been in the UK since the 1660s, though we were a little behind, the Chinese can trace it back to c.600-517 BC....
Still, nice to have you join in Gatorade, I'm sure you've bmx's best interests at heart.
Seat post!!
#1 Have you seen him. I'll order one.
do the seatpost clamp shirt i can celebrate keeping my blue viking clamp alive
They all sorta suck, i suppose the seatclamp one is alright..
All of the art work is award winning!
#1 for sure.
I'd buy it.
i would gor for the clamp design.I would slightly "retouch" it though.
verification word:pecking
anonymous is hating defiantly
Ovapta is hating.
My vote is for #2 because I suck at spelling anominous.
Seatpost clamp shirt for sure. Laughed my ass off when I saw that!
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