Recent research indicates that there are now 438.6 BMX seats for every BMX bike in the world, and even Warren Buffet is buying Velo stock. So if you don't have at least three or four seats of your own, you're simply not pulling your weight. You should be swapping your seat out daily to match your t-shirt and sneakers and replacing each of them every three weeks whether you need to or not.
But if you're one of those slackers who only owns one seat, maybe it's not your fault. Maybe there aren't any designs you like yet. So we're here to help. Here's five more seat print concepts we fully expect to see sooner rather than later:
- Bart Simpson (Pivotal only). Not too hard to figure out how the figure would line up.
- Stripped print. Get the trendy LITEWAIT look without having to actually tear off your cover and padding!
- Paris Hilton's face. This also should probably be Pivotal only, for obvious reasons.
- Kerry King armband. It doesn't get more metal than that. Bonus points if the seat has real six-inch spikes sticking out of it. (Like you sit down anyway.)
- UCI World Champion stripes. We'd love to see SDG do one of these for Jamie Bestwick in recognition of his winning the last 317 vert comps.
- Just pick the latest ridiculous Nikes off of Hypebeast and copy them. (Please do a better job than this, though.)
Holy weird. It's 4 a.m. Eastern, and the movie Shadow Conspiracy just came on TNT. Charlie Sheen! Donald Sutherland! Linda Hamilton! Sam Waterston as the President! Ben Gazarra as the Vice President! Alistair Whitton as...oh, I'm just kidding. Well, not about the movie being on. We'll see how long I can take it.
How about a hipster seat with nothing but various ironic buttons pinned all over it? Or the Punk'd seat, made entirely from trucker hats and embarrassment?
But really, with Kris Bennett on board, you'd think that a ketchup bottle themed seat would be in the lineup. They are missing the boat.
Let me start out by saying I do like Verde (or at least I think they have potential).
But surely it's not just me who thinks like looks like a turd? I mean I was into the mosh woodgrain stuff but only because they did it so well, this just looks like a joke shop steamer.
I'd understand more if I thought it was intentional.
The other thing that annoys me about this product is the packaging (see http://digbmx.com/digthis/verdes-timber-seat-drops) does anyone really need or want all that excess plastic?
I know the Shadow chain comes in it's own special tin but at least I can use that to store stuff in.
i dont mind the fact that there are so many pivitol seats, I just wish they were different shapes/ sizes / strenghts / weights / whatever
rather than exactly the same seat every time just in a different colour, whats the point ? market is so flooded for parts these days, dont see how us few bmxers are going to keep all these companies going for much longer
i so wanted (in fact still do) one of those mosh woodgrain stems. they looked great. and they'd confuse the chavscum down at the skatepark. 'yeah, it's made of wood. it's light *and* stronger, don't ya know...'
It's not like we need any more seats out there, but at least Verde puts in work on things like packaging and graphic design. Plus, I'd rock a wood seat over any UGP seat any time.
The packaging is indeed totally out of control. I initially mentioned it, but cut it because I OD on parentheticals.
i think this is an awesome product and the sport needs more of it!
(this will from here on out be my stock response to everything)
This seat sells in my shop really well. Seats grips and tires all top my list of hotest sellers. I'm pulling for Verde to do well. Their bikes are nicer than anyone else's I've carried. What's to complain about?
You better since us Industry-anonoholics will call you out on your truth; you just won't know our names.
It is a disease we have, please keep that in mind.
This seat is hot! Seats are the new t-shirts it seems, but hey when a good one comes along it tends to float whilst the others sink to the depths like so many fish turds and shark teeth. Material mix-ups are visually stimulating. Just look at how often you see wood and steel cables and polished aluminum in contemporary architecture. If we could get some of that material mix in BMX people in thin rimmed glasses and all black outfits with prada shoes would ask us questions on the subway. "What do those pipes sticking out from the wheels do?"
Im down for a retro touch to modern components,so ill vote for pivotal banana seats.
"a seat doesn't need to come in a shoebox, fuck sake"
i agree it doesn't need to, and most seats don't need too either. it's just kind of cool that somebody did it.
No it isn't slodogg.
It's cool that someone thought about doing it, about trying to add a little flavour and introduce a little creativity, it's just that the result sucks.
At least if it came in an actual shoebox it would be much easier to recycle (because seriously, how many people are going to keep the box?).
I don't object to fancy packaging I just think they would have been better to restrict themselves to using cardboard.
The packaging is completely unforgivable. Just zip-tie it to a recyclable cardboard backing like everyone else.
It's doubly silly because of the woodgrain pattern.
And it does look like a turd.
a woodgrain seat should come in a wooden box. rumor has it that alienation is making banana seats...
i'm still laughing at the paris hilton joke...
"At least if it came in an actual shoebox it would be much easier to recycle (because seriously, how many people are going to keep the box?)."
A lot of people keep shoe boxes, mostly with shoes in em though...
pdxbmx said...
"No it isn't slodogg."
Love you too B-Dubbs! :)
"A lot of people keep shoe boxes, mostly with shoes in em though..."
I know but that's only because you can only wear one pair of shoes at once.
It's not like kids have got a collection of pivotal seats and then rotate them as their mood changes.. or is it? Have tings got that bad yet?!
"It's not like kids have got a collection of pivotal seats and then rotate them as their mood changes.. or is it? Have tings got that bad yet?!"
I guarantee you that that will happen...
and no, I don't have more than 1 seat.
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