The only mystery about the Kink are the tires, which I expect are Primo Walls. Not the best choice for a current bike, but white tires are hard to come by these days. (If you're going to ride this bike, stock up.) I'm pretty sure the last time I had a set I also had white Z-Rims. Also, don't lock it up in a major city unless you want people to assume it's a tribute to the dead and get REALLY mad at you when you unlock it.
Then there was this all-red Fit Hawk, which was posted on the Fit site around the same time as they announced the availability of the red frame and parts. Like the white Kink, it was built by a shop (and I'd be curious to know whether either of them actually sell).

My favorite mostly monochrome bike was a Pro Performer that Eddie Fiola rode back in the mid-'80s, a recent semi-accurate reproduction which is shown here:

Given the black tires and the gold and chrome parts, it's more like one of Aaron Ross's neon monstrosities than the unicolors above. But it wouldn't surprise me one bit if colored tires made a comeback sometime soon. What goes around, comes around.
i've been predicting the return of gum wall tires for a few months and now that S&M is making a new version of the Dirt Bike it can't be far off i suspect.
Arron ross is the boss!!!!!
The bikes all look shit . They look like they would not get ridden !
Skinwall tyres are coming back:
I rather like the monochrome bikes actually.
Nice Gang Starr "Mass Appeal" reference, btw.
Bike color does less to gall me vs. some of the other atrocities that I see on this blog.
Right now I have a grey/skinwall Haro Holeshot on the front and a green GLH on the back.
Did anyone ever make Black tires with different color sidewalls ?
A totally new fad could emerge.
The White Doyle was built by Solano Ave Cylery for a customer so that is sold. The red Chase was built by Epic Cycles, but its not sold that i know of.
I wonder how many people will know where that title came from.
actually... i just read anonymous's post. sorry.
Ive met Guru, how about that???
Anno @12:20, i've seen Comp III tires with red or blue side walls. hope you weern't hoping to cash in on it and use the profites for your re-tire-ment. sorry, but that was a "must pun" situation.
hey todd from albe's i made a skin wall thread on bike guide a while ago. i really want them to come back. a skin wall ruben or faf would be awesome. i tried finding comp IIIs but had no luck. I used to love the way Sandy Carson's bike looked in forward. there is a bunch of other pro's that ran skinwalls too. if they come back i'll be sure to have one in the front. skin walls remind me of an older time in bmx. when i first started riding.
What about jesboogie's all blue fbm (whatever the flat frame was called)?
I'm pretty sure it was American Freestyler mag (which was either Plus!'s or SBMX's answer to Freestylin'). They did the Euro Bike, then the Black Bike, then the Crazy Bike (all different colors) then they were like, "seriously folks, no more colors" because the deal was, they were all reader suggestions and the suggestion that was picked won the bike. They then did the world's most expensive bike and, I believe the mag folded right after that.
I distinctly remember Pete Augustin doing a swing ride on one of those.
I spray painted my whole bike (grips, tires, chain and all) white once. It was rad.
Close, but no cigar. It was "Freestyle Spectacular" magazine, put out by BMX Plus. The one issue I got, in 87, had the all-white bike project - test ridden by Josh White, no less. Talk about a slow news day...
It was a slow news day, but at least I was reminded of Freestyle Spectacular. (I'm pretty sure I had that issue once.)
Almost mentioned Will Taubin's all-gold Lengthy, too. Spray paint is fun!
obviously not for BMX, but Rivendell makes a skinwall tire with multiple colored blocks on the skin. They look like clown tires.
I think the white tyres are by KHE. And didn't Odyssey prototype some camo tyres a while back? (I may have imagined that though)
Oddysey made those Bermuda tires too. Think they had blue and red sidewalls maybe green too? I dunno.
This dude breaks it Down
Freestyle Spectacular and American Freestyler were the same magazine. It started as one and then changed to the other after about three issues. Among other memorable things they did was testing a Toys R Us Huffy (it was a very nice looking Toys R Us Huffy, but it was not meant for abuse) and have a "Bike" every month "Euro Bike" Black Bike" "Crazy Bike"). I think they even had a "Pro Bike" where they had the pros pick their favorite parts and put them all on one bike, which lead to parts that made no sense all going together.
Kenda makes K-rads in every retarded color you'd need. I think they even do tye-dye and camo!
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