Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Descent of Man

Another thing I missed during my time away was the introduction of the S&M "Perfect 10" bar -- 30" width and 10" of rise, guaranteed to make your boring old Slams look like a pair of Kink Red Wings. They already sold out at Empire, which means either Tom only ordered three pairs or that they were wildly popular amongst the bigger-is-better set.

Considering the trend towards bars getting taller and wider, and frames getting lower, I can only conclude that the average street rider of the future will look something like this.


Anonymous said...

lol 10-30 bars are just retarded... no one needs this, not even mike hoder

Baby Dick said...

i wasn't going to order any, but people kept on us about them, so we relented. we ordered a bunch, sold them all in a day, and are pre-selling more like they're crackrocks

Russ said...

I hope they step up to 12/36 soon.

AkimV said...


jm said...

I think the trend to take an idea and keep pushing it until everyone recognizes we've gone too far, then backpedaling to more sensible ideas is nothing new to bmx. Those bars seem unreasonably large to me...which is probably why everyone wants them. In a sea of indistinguishable bars, those stand out just for being so freaking huge.

VinnyVan said...

Don't most street riders already look like that.

Anonymous said...

Have you claimed naming royalties for the 12 Step bars?