I don't even know what that header means, I just didn't want to be left out in the cold.
No, I'm not in Las Vegas. I keep saying I'm going to go to Interbike, and then I realize that there are roughly 674,904,783 places I'd rather go than Las Vegas. And if I wanted to hang out with BMXers, I'd ride my bike.
To keep this vaguely relevant, I'd just like to say that Macneil's going back to the 22.2mm seatpost standard because frame tubing is smaller now makes about as much sense as going back to 1" headtubes. Your move, Jay. (Or was that Silent Bob's idea?) Smaller-diameter seatposts aren't any lighter, but they're definitely weaker. So, on behalf of those of us who insist upon running more than .000005" of exposed seatpost, thank you for reducing the number of frame companies we'd consider by one.
(The bike in the photo above is what we presume will be shown at Interbike in 2012. The 3/8" axles in the front and rear save weight, as does the 1" headtube and the 22.2mm seatpost. The radical curve in said seatpost allows one to run a shorter frame, yet still keep one's weight centered further back. You'll also note the liberal use of chrome.)
well it was going to happen sooner or later. I guess I'll have to check it out tomorrow.
Like,can you tell I am from B.C., like. Apparently weed does open your mind to new and inventive things.
Jay's history of the 1" post is hilarious, he doesn't have a clue.
I fail to see how a smaller diameter tube with the same wall thickness wouldn't be lighter.
Weak post, this blog is dead. Very disappointed.
the only thing more awesome would be if they would flute the bb shell to take a spanish bearing on one side and a mid on the other.
Except for the race frame. What the what?
i disagree with making parts lighter at the expense of strength but as dakins said, it absolutely has to be lighter if the seat tube and post are smaller in diameter without changing the thickness.
A larger diameter tube with the same weight (thinner walls) is stronger than a thinner tube. I guess MacNeil is all about "aesthetics" once again.
Yes, a smaller-diameter dube with the same wall thickness would be lighter. But if it's 2" long, what does it matter? I can't expect many—if any—companies will follow Macneil's "lead."
Hm, instead of making a one-piece headtube out of chromoly, I wonder whether you could manufacture a smaller headtube and fashion press-in bearing cups out of aluminum?
"The 3/8" axles in the front and rear save weight, as does the 1" headtube and the 22.2mm seatpost. The radical curve in said seatpost allows one to run a shorter frame, yet still keep one's weight centered further back."
This is why I love SPRFLS. So long since an update, though. Why hast thou forsaken us, Russ?!
Why do we need another seat post size? One standard size across the board is something great about BMX. Other cycling disciplines such as mountain biking have several sizes. It's simply unneeded. Keep it at 1" please, for the sake of simplicity.
I'm thinking that rather than copy MacNeil, we'll see another company come out with a 13/16" seat post size (Even lighter!)
"on behalf of those of us who insist upon running more than .000005" of exposed seatpost,"
-all 33 of us. Or maybe 34 if Dave Clymer is riding again...
"thank you for reducing the number of frame companies we'd consider by one."
-I'm pretty sure MacNeil can live with that.
I think this idea actually makes sense. Not for everybody and not for every bike model, but it has it's place. Maybe Jay did not explain the logic too well. The only advantage is when compared to a bike with a stubby 1" post - which is most of them today.
If the whole set-up is executed properly, I could see a savings of a couple of ounces when compared to a similarly equipped 1" set-up.
7/8" is not a totally new standard - 7/8" (or 22.2mm) posts in many different configurations are available from any general bike part distributor (granted, none of them would be welcome on MY bike, but still, there are options.)
7/8" posts are almost completely obsolete in general cycling. again, much like the spanish BB, the smaller, more aesthetic feature of the new macneil frame is putting fashion over function.
let's look at macneils contributions to BMX over the years:
keeping Jay paid
pivitol posts
Metro jams
Ruben frame
sponsoring Dom Mach
Silencer Bars
Conjoined Cranks
ID Forks
Grip Rings
Allistair Whitton
employing Harrison Boyce
plastic bottom brackets
Whats the difference really? Its not like seat-posts have a function anymore. An integrated pivitol post makes more sense than a slammed post. So why does a smaller diameter post matter really. The days of 2' seat posts (think Gary Ellis) are long gone. As long as the frame strength is maintained then i'm not opposed. Still, at this point I think integrated pivitol posts make more sense than a 1" stubby seat post.
macneil is about to start using trek's old frame jigs...this is just getting out in front of the pr battle.
My seat is pretty low [probably 4" between the guts (yes, guts) and the seat clamp (yes, seat clamp)] but when I have ridden peoples' bikes with slammed seats, it feels so bad. You don't really notice it, but the seat does play a role in riding other than sitting and pedalling.
definitely silent bob's idea
oh my god, you guys will cry about anything.
Seriously what's the problem, macneil have made frames that suit their market - kids who want light frames and run their seet slammed.
Alright the seat tube may not be quite as stiff but who has ever snapped a seat tube? Also bigger diameter, smaller walls works in theory until you dent it and the thin wall has no strength.
They're not forcing this on you, the frames where they know people will run their seat higher, the race and deuce deuce are still 1" so really what's the problem?
OK I bothered to do the maths.
Assuming 8 inch seat tube and 3 inch seat post.
Assuming 6061 seat post of 0.0027g/mm³
Assuming 4130 seat tube of 0.0078g/mm³
Assuming wall thickness of seat post is 2.0mm
Assuming wall thickness of seat tube is 1.5mm
Weight savings = 28 grams or 0.062 lbs
of course you are banging your head against the wall, you are talking about buying bikes that are designed for little kids, frames that are made the same way that entry level bikes are made. the first bike you had as a young dude you either broke or bent and grew out of it, then you went back to the same company and bought a frame that is basically the same thing you just got rid of. I can think of only a handful of companies that are catering to those of us who need a better constructed frame our second or third bike, and it certainly isnt MacNeil.
Made in the USA is the only real answer.
^Um, you obviously don't know my bike history and shouldn't have assumed you did.
All USA made, all bought new, all broken in under 2 years, all from established companies, S&M, Kink, Metal, Hoffman, etc, etc. A new company each time.
USA made doesn't mean anything anymore.
i wasnt assuming to know anything I was speaking in general terms.
S&M doesnt have the greatest track record and some say a factory in Mexico. Maybe Im an idiot but Hoffman bikes are made in the US? Kink and Metal, you really bought that crap?
T1, Solid (obviously), Standard, FBM. These are all companies that are developing quality products and improving on them, yearly, monthly, if not week to week.
You want to be an asshole about it, we can turn this into TCU, you are buying image, thats clear enough by your choice of bike/frame in the past. You say your a big dude, buy a big dudes bike, not some sorry ass imitation pile of shit. Do you know Jimmy Levan is half a mental patient? You are trusting him to know what the hell he is doing?
You deserve what you get.
Hoffman hasn't made a bike in the US since either '95 or '96. Kink hasn't made one in 4 or 5 years. Metal is done in the US, but they were made by Spooky, Maas (I think), and S&M. S&M's are no longer Mexican.
Anonymous 9:04 AM,
I double-checked your "maths". I agree with your assumptions, I verified your densities, and I got the same answer.
About the only thing I can add to your assessment is to convert your figures to ounces - because that is probably the unit of measurement that most of us are comfortable with.
28 grams is approximately equal to 1 ounce.
So that is what MacNeil is saving by making the change: 1 ounce.
Their 2010 frames all got lighter by 1 ounce over their 2009 frames.
Seems like MacNeil must be putting more stock in the marketing aspect of being "innovative" and "unique" because there would probably would be an easier/less costly way to save 1 ounce, rather than open a new die to make a 7/8" Pivotal post, and change all the frame welding jigs to hold a smaller seattube.
Soooo...I guess I have been pursuaded to label this move "SPRFLS" but still will defend MacNeil's right to be different, if they want to be.
MacNeil has teamed up with a mountain bike company to make MTB bike components! GNAR.
i have been looking at all the photos from the interbike and the only difference in any of these frames seems to be the stickers and paint.
they must all order their completes from the same catalog.
macneil is fucking lame.
come on, say something about the short head tubes amd super tall bars! Quite silly..
I used to love this blog but it really has just fell apart, such a shame. On the bright side, this opens up a spot for Guesshermuff on my rss reader
Is anyone going to question the extra material needed for the down/top & seat stays to fit the new smaller seatpost. Surely any weight saved on the seatpost would be put straight back on by the extra material in the other four tubes?
hoffman had usa made frames way later than 96. up until a couple of years ago.
you've gotta be shitting me, dude above me
does that mean people are going to have to buy new seat posts if thet run one of these new macneil frames? That's retarded. I guess i now know what frame in not buying.
I like how people assume that everybody runs a slammed seat these days.
The people most likely to post bike checks regularly are the same who are most likely to run their shit slammed.
Russ,what about S&M 20 pounds completes?(no titanium)
SPRFLS is a word?
Anonymous said...
Maybe Im an idiot but Hoffman bikes are made in the US? Kink and Metal, you really bought that crap?
T1, Solid (obviously), Standard, FBM. These are all companies that are developing quality products and improving on them, yearly, monthly, if not week to week.
Do you know Jimmy Levan is half a mental patient? You are trusting him to know what the hell he is doing?
You deserve what you get.
This post is in response to Anonymous questioning what I've broken. Once again you assume to much young grasshopper.
You are clearly new to riding and have no idea, take a history lesson.
Hoffman used to be made in the US, do some research. Kink used to have heavy street destroyer frames (Revision B for example), Metal used to be made by S&M.
I have also broken a T1 Progression an FBM Angel of Death and a Standard STA, so get fucked on that point too. Saying I am buying an image, get a grip I am an engineer I don't give a shit about image.
Finally you slag off Jimmy Levan.....there's no hope for you.
Russ, please never disable the anonymous posting ability ever again.
BTW: i attended the Interbike event as usual, saw the "inovative" new products and would love to give opinions but must remain NTRL.
can we please discuss the S&M WTF already!
ROb-O off FIT...where are you RUss?
I heard that a company was showing off their new ceramic bolt on/flip down roller pegs made for street and light park...
Anonymous is schooling.
Blog is dead
enough said
This blog is officially dead
Russ got must've got shot in the head
interbike came and went
and there was no SPRFLS vent
we sit and wait and hit refresh
instead of hitting up the sesh
Our posts are slammed, our rims are drilled
all because we were not filled
with knowledge spewed forth with vigor
also, the USA elected a black president.
The end.
i see what you did there with that last verse...very clever.
Damn Russ, even t.f.a.'s still checkin' this shit, where you at?
And I just don't see how Afro-American rhymes with vigor...
Word Ver.-"etsionos"(Greek for update)
Hey Russ,
A 20' 250L with front/back brakes and a freecoaster just left iowa on its way to broolyn for me. Can't wait to roll arround the city or out in long island. Loving the latest stuff in slam! Just went Raphel's(dribbling contests)house warming party and Al harrington was in attendance. He just bought a haro?????? Erin
Russ, Come back.
If for nothing else that to rip on this:
what happened here? http://fixedgeargallery.com/2009/oct/1/OliverMalagarriga.htm
URLs not working guys, got truncated.
Post on Fly renouncing their previously lighter frames.
"Don’t expect super light frames here. Stefan, Kevin wanted strong frames that you can rely on and don’t snap going big. We totally agree with them. Why you have to sacrify your frame and your neck for 200grs. / 7 oz.? It doesn’t make sense if you think about it. Both frames are on the 4.8 lb. mark witch is light enough." -flybikesbmx.com
come on russ,
manz's is waiting.
Russ must have fell in the shitter and drowned.
russ must of forgot where his blog is now that its off the bmxfeed front page haha.
I think Miron went all Canadian Beast on Russ and tore his guts out. Dead blog, dead blog author.
while i'm not one of those "need to be up-dated a dozen times a day with the most useless BMX information" people, i wouldn't mind more than one salty rant a month. maybe i'll have to ask for the pass word so i can fill in while Russ is MIA. yep, rock solid business plan: mock and bitch about all the companies you deal with then try to figure out why you're getting snubbed...i've got it all figured out.
this blog is dead. and is now deleted from my favorites. damn shame.
Mate, russ, this blog is wicked man
I really like reading it...I'm well into the product side of thing s (I have to be)
don't kill it off!
I'm assuming it's all these little wankers over doing the hate bcos of the slow down?
Fair enough I guess it's frustrating...well I wish you the best anyway man
Put the smack-syringe down and back away from the meth-pipe. Your blog is dying. Dont you care? Cant you see what the drugs have done? You stopped caring. We are all here telling you to come back. Come back down to planet BMX and start bitching again. C'mon already!
bmx-tec is better than SPRFLS every was...
bmx-tec? Nice try, but no thanks.
wow russ, you're breaking my heart. get something going on here...
What, you think you're better than us?
it's go time!
I found another blog, bmx tec.
I'll fuck both of you
What a failure. Not even I could fix this blog.
heartbreakkkkkkkkkkkkker.. heart breakeeerrrrrrrrrr
Russ was arrested for molesting kids in his moms’ basement. creepy!
okay, i waited here long enough...
dead or in prison
Didn't expect McNeil to outlive SPRFLS,or any two-bit catalogue company to outlive SPRFLS, the supposedly self proclamating saviour of BMX from itself.
Goddamnit, Russ. Get someone else to continue this blog to redeem yourself from the disgrace.
Get Couch from Bikeguide, he's salty and quite knowledgeable and funny at times to get this blog going.
Or get in contact with George French as a ghost writer in your blog using your online moniker,just like you sometimes did in the past.
There I said it.
George French smokes pole
I heard Russ went to Interbike and took a job as an industry insider.
Robo,who left Fit, hired Russ to help with his new Co.,Cvlt.
Russ got threatened by Leigh Ramsdell for making fun of the Grim Reaper, Suge Knight style. Bikes is dratstic!
Cool blog you got here. It would be great to read something more concerning this topic. Thnx for posting this information.
Sexy Lady
Escorts in London
Hold on to your big bars people!
SPRFLS will be back in due time. This is what I heard from Russ.
By the way the post above me wasn't made by Russ.
Still chacking daily... now get down to work.
Anonymous is chacking
100. and counting.
Russ,not for nothing ,but there are pix floatin on the web,of De La ROsa,strikin poses with a fixed gear bike....
Not cool dude, not cool...
Still not cool...
You are sorely missed, dude.
bueller? bueller? bueller? bueller?
anyone? anyone? anyone?
Dissapointed to see this blog has died
ovarian cancer is nothing to joke about, Russ, get well soon..
come back i miss this blog soooooo much
Just Do It.
Come on ,we miss you !
Happy birthday toooooooo yooooooooooo!
Black armbands all round?
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