Well, cruisers are out. Because it's 20" or die. And custom frames are expensive. Which pretty much leaves you with the Macneil Deuce Deuce or...the Macneil Deuce Deuce. There's the Fit Lurch too, I suppose, but that maxes out at a relatively pedestrian 21.5". Nope, if you're a big dude who wants a long frame, it's the Deuce Deuce for you. Ain't nothing else out there like it.

So can someone out there explain to me why a 22" frame with a 14.25" rear weighs just 4.9 pounds? I mean, this frame is for big guys, right? And a longer toptube is going to produce more stress and strain on the front triangle, no? Instead of going to a smaller diameter top and downtube, shouldn't a "huge frame for huge motherfuckers" be, you know, burly? Or at the very least weigh more than a Deathtrap? I'm no physicist, but this just seems wrong on so many levels.
Guess not.
Let's compare it to an average and popular frame, like the Aitken S3 or the Dak. Both very popular frames.
The Deuce Deuce is 110% / 104% larger (TT / CS) than the Aitken S3, while being 116% heavier.
If you compare the two, (while first making the Aitken 110% / 104% larger), you will find that the Aitken S3 is still lighter.
The Deuce Deuce is a light frame for big guys, but it's still heavier than a light frame for regular guys.
There are far better targets when complaining about a frame being 'too light'.
Support The Beast of get the fuck outta the bar.
big dude riding that frame with conjoined cranks and Blazer forks = multiple injuries
who is The Beast? the guy with the big ass riding the cruiser?
Anon 4.45
do you even know what you're talking about?
the previous deuce deuce was over 6 lbs and had a really *ucking long back end
@ Anon 5:35
you can always buy this one its been on austin cl forever hah
So many anonymous posters, so little credibility...
"who is The Beast? the guy with the big ass riding the cruiser?"
The Beast is the very dimunative French Canadian guy who shouldn't be selling long frames for tall guys.
He's a high school dropout too so as you can see they usually talk out of their arses and hasn't made anything original other than that shite pivotal seat which is an obvious solution that even a 10 year old kid can envision. They just patent it.
if something is patented doesn't mean it's a good idea. See http://www.colitz.com/site/prior_wacky.html for wacky idiotic patents and you can see the pivotal seat would fit right in.
Miron, French Canadian? I don't think so...
no,no! I'm telling you , he's the one with the big ass riding the cruiser with a permanent smile on his face!
probably smiling cause he's screwing the whole country with Macneil bikes and Tenpack... giving jack shit back to the BMX community!
the beast! the only thing "beastly" about this guy is his ego and bank account!
...or maybe they call him that cause he can take a 330 up his ass... dunno.
The two above comments are making this site sound more like thecomeup.
I agree that too many options is bad for BMX. Maybe the Obama administration should create a BMX Czar that could regulate new products and insure ongoing continuity; thereby insuring a fair playing field. Oh wait, this is a Canadian frame...... we are all doomed to suffer the wrath of capitalism.
I just think if I was a monster dude who need a longer-than-normal frame, I wouldn't mind if it weighed six pounds. Sub-five Sanko frames scare me even when they don't have 22" toptubes.
well i managed to crack the headtube on my 6lb OG Deuce Deuce so i reckon i might me going down the custom route on me next frame......
To be fair though Macneil were awesome about the lifetime warranty and my replacement frame has been good 4 over a year.
ya guys, assuming the CANADIAN BEAST, not the beast. being french, would assume he has a french accent, which he does not.
as for giving nothing back to bmx, maybe not, but you can't give every kid a frame and seatpost, you can give pro's invite only jams, with the best time ever.
maybe you suck at bikes and have never been.... but that just sucks for you
i used to have a deuce deuce. a little too long for me. but it was a tough bitch. took a whole year of abuse (acceptable amount of time for any frame from me) before crackin on the underside of the headtube downtube area. welded it, took another year of abuse no problemo. it outlasted me in fact, i bought a new frame before i could completely break her, considering virtually all fraMEs go in the same place with me (headtube seatstay area) thats not a bad run.
i do somewhat agree tho. 4.9 is a little scary.
Memories 10:42, that thing defies description. Don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just scratch my chin and squint at that bike.
Pretty sure DK make a 22" trails frame. Whatever.
a tall skinny dude has as much right to a 4.5 lb frame as a short stocky dude does.
That guy darcy is lame. I heard he called all the welders at FBM idiots. I’ll take an FBM over a mcneil any day
The only reason Russ wouldn't mind a six pound frame is because he is an old kook. I fucking hate bmx purists.
I have immense respect for you as a writer, and your opinions concerning the NBA are unrivaled. In BMX you are simply an old washed up parts-dork.
Second comment wins, even though the frames are really only 10% / 4% larger and 16% heavier. The math is there, but the proof reading is not, haha. Good work though.
check out Factionbmx at twitter, the last two pics posted show what putting 22" in the right place on a bike can do for performance. The photos show an unfit am on a cheap Faction bike beating the top racers in the region on the the best current race bikes. The photo of the guy's lead over the field is a real screengrab from a video not photo-shopped.
technically way off topic, we're talking toptubes not wheels - anyone who stuffs racers while wearing a plaid shirt n jeans is ok in my bar.
is that a one-off bike or is some company making those?
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