Strangely, there's seemingly a lot going on, but not much to report. Rumors are flying around the internets about various companies—well, one company in particular—but details are few and far between. OK, there are no details.
I know what you're saying: "Russ! Aren't you supposed to be some kind of journalist? Man the phones! Dig some dirt! Rake some muck!" And you know what? You're right. It's about damn time this site actually broke some news. But it's not happening. You know why? First of all, I'm so far removed from the BMX epicenter that I can't even feel the vibrations. Here's a handy diagram to show you what I mean:

As for making phone calls, it seems like that would be an exercise in futility. Even if something big were happening, I'm not gonna get it out of them by placing a phone call or sending an e-mail. It's never quite that easy. And while rampant speculation is fun—"CHRIS MOELLER IS SELLING FIT TO PACIFIC SO YOU'LL BE ABLE TO BUY THEM AT TARGET!!!!"—it doesn't really do anyone any good. All we can do is wait. And, um, hope some disgruntled employee/rider/relative goes off anonymously in the comments section.
In the meantime, you can check out some of the 2010 Fit completes on Alan's BMX, the site for a British retailer. It appears that Fit is actually expanding their line of completes for 2010, which seems utterly insane to me. But maybe putting the line in departme—oops.
I hear they are trading their number 1 pick in the rookie draft to WeThePeople in exchange for 2 minor leaguers to be named at a later date.
BMX does need more trades.
^^Moeller owns it, Moeller's idea, Moeller's money, get over yourself.^^
"I hear they are trading their number 1 pick in the rookie draft to WeThePeople in exchange for 2 minor leaguers to be named at a later date."
I tip my hat to your comment fine sir.
WTF is going on? can someone please fill me in here?
filling you in....
fit is stopping their production of all 20" products. starting fresh with a new look for 2010. fixie freestyle bitch! they are gonna take the world by storm.
new chase hawk fixie plays a the sword song while you ride it to your local co-op.
"It appears that Fit is actually expanding their line of completes for 2010, which seems utterly insane to me."
I'm pretty sure Fit dealers and distributors don't think it's utterly insane they are expanding. You know, the guys that are actually making their living selling bicycles.
"^^Moeller owns it, Moeller's idea, Moeller's money, get over yourself.^^"
It was started as a partnership, and Rob-o is the heart and soul of the company. Moeller is a greedy prick and a horrible boss.
Seriously, Fat Rob and majority of the team will be gone at the end of 09, when their contracts are up. Basically all Robbo was to fit was a glorified team manager. So many people thought that he owned a portion of Fit, but Moeller owns 100%. When Robbo asked about the percentage that Moeller promised him after Fit really took off, Moeller basically said that since there was nothing in writing the conversation basically never existed. More than likely someone with Gallop(Primo) will give him some money to do something else. Maybe when everything is said and done Robbo will start Baby Phit.
S&M is the worst place I've ever worked. Chris Moeller is a fucking tyrant. Spread the wealth asshole.
My friend worked there when Fit was founded. Said Rob was paid like $30K per year as TM and the face of the company. They only started Fit because S&M had trouble going well is the mid west and some east coast markets. Moeller did start it and he is the brains behind the company. Fit would have failed in the first year if Rob-o ran it. I would guess if Morales leaves Fit he will try to take the team and some will follow but not all. It is not the first or the last of these companies that have a puppet as a front man, look at Lotek (Hirsh) & and Cardinal (Morishan) who are both owned by Gallup/Primo or Subrosa (Sher) who is owned by Ronnie B or Snafu (Macgoo) and Hoffman who are both owned by a Taiwan woman named Sherry. Don't look at the man behind the curtain!
Wow, so many experts without the last name Moeller or Morales.
I think Ane Jens is the owner, she got it in the divorce.
Maybe if Robbo didn't weigh 800 pounds he could handle running a company.
I worked out of that building when Fit was formed and can say with 100% certainty that the address is 1300 S. Lyon St., and there's a Carl's Jr. around the corner that we sometimes ate lunch at.
What? Where else but here are the rumors floating around? This is the first i heard of anything.
So, Fit is Leaving S&M or
Is Robbo and co. leaving S&M?
nevermind, found the thread.
unfortunately I am not aware of thread thread mentioned above. anyone got a link?
.....what is going on!!
I almost don't believe us. I tell my customers the bmx industry isn't like the rest of the cycling industry. I tell them they don't care about money, they just want to make good bikes. That its about passion for a lifestyle.
Now I have to tell them all i've been lying, and all the "industry leaders" are moneywhores?
the threads on the come up board. to save you the trouble of having to go to that wasteland, someone posted a thread saying there were legal issues between robbo and moeller leading to speculation and chase d posting saying it was untrue.
^^ I almost don't believe that someone could really think that the bmx industry was some kind of charity brotherhood.
If Moller owns Fit then it seems Robbie needs to be looking for a new brand. Sucks for sure because things seemed to be going good for Fit, but when there are two bosses (or one straw boss and a real one), one has to give sooner or later. Thats the way it is...
I'm sure FBM isn't loseing any sleep over it... right JPR, carpe diem
Isn't FBM owned by a skater? Not Crandall for sure.
i thought metal was briefly co-owned by a skateboarder
surprised you havent herd about uk bike co going bust.
bman, i thought everyone just assumed that was going to happen so nary a thought was given
I call B.S. on this whole thing. All false...
This is like a celebrity tabloid magazine for bmx. Is moeller cheating on robbo? Or is robbo leaving moeller? blah blah blah BULLSHIT.
While we're at it, what are all your thoughts on john & kate plus 8? I think he cheated.
I worked out of that building when Fit was formed and can say with 100% certainty that the address is 1300 S. Lyon St., and there's a Carl's Jr. around the corner that we sometimes ate lunch at.
That sounds nice what was your favorite choice of lunch?
Don't answer, it's a trap
"DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE" is what robbo posted on the FIT site...
Don't Believe the Hype with a video of "rumors" by timex social club...ha, nice one Robbo!
It was for sure hitting the fan but I heard this morning that Moeller and Morales settled or worked things out so things go on. The arrangement? Don't know, don't care.
Alright,I just got off the phone with Moeller, he said the only reason Robbo is the front man of fit is to test the frames. Moeller felt bad for using Robbo just because of his enormous size, so he gave Robbo this fake front man position and everybody's happy.
Fast forward a few years, Robbo got really into coke due to his divorce and lost like 600 lbs. and while he's still massive, he's not massive enough for fit.
So Moeller, due to his "passion for the lifestyle", decided that he couldn't have "real" BMXers riding his parts if he didn't know they were safe. The last thing Moeller wants is your blood on his hands.
Now Moeller has a stroke of genius, he knows the kids who buy bikes at Target aren't 360ing down 40 steps, they're poppin wheelies in the driveway. And who better to sell his unsafe bikes to than little kids who won't beat on them anyway. Win win.
Don't call him a sellout though, all the money he's making from the deal is being used for the second s&m porno. which is a win for me, because I could care less how he runs his business.
^ Bullshit, the only reason Robbo was the front of fit, is because Moeller loves irony
^^^Your post is embarrassing.
robbo is being replaced by rich hirsch
So you wrote that all up and just call it bullshit? Seriously, you need to see a doctor...
Lets all go ride bikes.
No, no no!!!!! robbo is being replaced by a half machine, half man body double with his smug face and fatty tissue over a metal exoskeleton. CPU is a cholesterol processor - a non thinking computer.
some of the comments here are hilarious...
So, Moeller's dick to work for - imagine that, having a boss who's not interested in your comments, but rather strictly the success of the company - almost makes it seem like, um, real life.
To think that somewhere intertwined in the annals of bmx exists an owner who's interested in making a profit; and that success for the company is not achieved because you can tweak turndowns on your three hour lunchbreak - amazing.
Yeah, every other company in kiddy-land BMX successful, yeah, sure right. Yet, when S and M rumors start on the web, it's as if the sun failed to come up in the morning
Last I checked the S&M website doesn't end in .org - he's out to make a profit - and not because there are holes drilled throughout. .
For everyone who complains about Moeller being a dick, there are 10,000 people thankful for it because he delivers to the consumer what they demand - quality. If he's so much of a dick that you can't handle (THE TRUTH!!!!) it, then I guess you can always ship off to Eastern.
Word Verification:
"Lets all go ride bikes."
Stop being that kid. It rains, Night time comes, Injuries happen, jobs, school, life all happens. I hate when some one tries to be the hero by simple saying "lets just ride". I'm allowed to be interested in something on the internet. I worded this all terribly.
Word verification: fuckdrewk
"It rains,"
Ride in a carpark, indoor skatepark, etc
"Night time comes,"
Night time street riding sessions are the best
" Injuries happen,"
Ever heard of safety gears, helmet, stretching, riding using your head instead of your balls? If you don't want to get hurt at all, find a hobby like knitting.
Don't ride during working hours, DUH, and see above.
School? Shit, I've never had any fun in my life more than riding during in college. It's like a pressure valve, and you get your brain's working at optimum performance.
You now have no excuses.
"I hate when some one tries to be the hero by simple saying "lets just ride". I'm allowed to be interested in something on the internet. I worded this all terribly."
If you have too many excuses to ride. Quit. BMX needs less trend pussies, and wishy washy whiny crybabies. Go play dodgeball or something...
Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
- Plato
and you wanted to ban anonymous posting!
"i often like to quote myself - it makes me sound more intelligent"
george bernard shaw
"'DON'T BELIEVE THE HYPE' is what robbo posted on the FIT site..."
FIT is all hype.
Eff it, as in F-it?
...and it's ENDOskeleton not exoskeleton. Still funny though...
verification word is DIALO...sorry,couldnt resist...
Someone should buy domain names generated by SPRFLS word verification...
Man ,i so agree with you,im pretty sure that,one day,i will find the name of my future company in there ..
ps:now,the word is,polarat..
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