(Just how big is Max's bike? That small blur you see just to the back of his front pedal is actually a Volkswagen Tiguan.)
If you'll look carefully, you'll see one major difference in the production model from the CAD drawings (or whatever they were) that WTP posted way back in September:

Yes, ladies and germs, The Warrior (not to be confused with The Ultimate Warrior) appears to have an actual seatpost clamp. And while it's of the integrated variety, at least it does allow those riders not swayed by the idea of a wedge post to run Max and Mike's frame. One small step for man, one huge leap for seatpost kind.
(And if Max's bike isn't big enough for you, there's always the redesigned Macneil Deuce Deuce. I keep hoping for an Ice Cube-endorsed Deuce Trey, but I guess it's not happening.)
its about time you came back.
Warriors, come out to playyyy...
I think that Shaq did that "can you dig it" bit at at least one of the post-title rallys in LA, and I always wonder if it earned him a lecture from David Stern or somebody. I mean, it is somewhat subversive.
Thumbs up on the Warriors bike, WTP.
He definitely did it at a rally first, which was the clip I was looking for, but I couldn't find it.
Jaumell is a rad dude. He's always so friendly towards other riders and is willing to give them riding advice. I've always wanted to ride a Deuce Deuce...Next time I see him I'll have to give it a try.
Worst of both worlds?
Take a seat clamp and weld it on... so now the seatclamp has to be steel rather than aluminium, and there is the material of the seattube AND the material of the clamp in one place where either one could do the job... and an extra totally sprfls weld..
Yeah, well, there's that. If it ain't broke, break it.
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