We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. SPRFLS will return to its regularly scheduled programming on Monday.
Enjoy the weekend.
($10 and bunch of SPRFLS stickers to whoever sends me the head of Darkmane.)
Feel free to e-mail suggestions, corrections, tips or death threats to sprfls@gmail.com
Even more pointless (and sometimes entirely un-BMX-related) twittering at http://twitter.com/SPRFLS and http://twitter.com/russbengtson
I now want the x games to be destroted due to there advertising?
^ g.s...do you want to take this one or should i?
I am pretty sure it's Curtis Armstrong, who played Booger in 1984's "Revenge of the Nerds"
I would have totally posted today but I spent too much time thinking about what limited edition color Profile should do next. So many choices!
I went with Sparkle Granny Smith!
hell yeah, Russ...if they did sparkle Granny Smith i could have my Imperial sprocket match my '71 'Cuda! that'd be F'in mint, bro.
I also posted my disgust for this rediculousness on my site...www.superbmx.com
according to a quick Google search of 'DarkMane":
A source deep within the Wordwide Leader has alerted me thustly:
"His name is John Gemberling. He was the actor in the spots, and the v/o."
Here's the Link:
The site says he has an affiliation with the Upright Citizens Brigade, Maybe he's within our reach in NYC, but I'd guess it'd be the LA UPC.
Russ, I don't want your $10, but I do want some stickers, -Supes
The test pattern....nice touch. Even when you're not on your game, you're on your game.
Wait.. sprfls has stickers?!?! How can I get my hands on these?
i was goin to,but for a quick minute,i thought that was one of your men provoking me,so i thought that you were trying to get me into a verbal crossfire(not that i couldnt stand it)
Also,Todd,i noticed that you developed some kind of fondness for me(no homo)Do i have to read,in between your posts,that my discount bonus goes from 15 to 25% off on orders over 150 USD?
Russ could we get a riding video of you some day ?
I had such hopes for the Super Bowl/Ramp thingy.
But I will give ESPN some credit for the street set up.
So stoked that Van got in there...
this week was weak!
dont fizzle out and let the haters be right.
sprfls aint a flash in the pan. flavor of the month blog..
Russ could we get a riding video of you some day ?
What does my riding have to do with anything? I have no interest in being filmed.
I bet Russ rides like Steve Swope in "Aggroman".
Russ, you should know that simply riding BMX and having some knowledge of it's history doesn't give credibility, riding well and having a lot of skill give credibilty.
I worry about our culture's ability to interpret sarcasm.
^^ d'oh -- you're right!
i'm so used to seeing stuff like that which *isn't* supposed to be sarcastic...
yikes. haha. wow... apologies... i just like this blog a lot...
^^^^so true. bmx is just like high school. if you aren't good at riding then obviously you don't know what the fuck you are talking about. isn't that how it goes?
Aug. 4, 10:53 was actually me but i was simply too lazy to type my name. had i signed it i think most would have realized it was in fact sarcasm since that's what i do best. sorry for the confusion, Dan.
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