What. The. Hell.
Saw these thangs on Dig yesterday. I believe the word you're looking for is 'yikes.'
Available in 36-hole only, in black, white or chrome, each rim has a shitload of holes cut in it. But fear not! According to K-124 (or Dig, maybe—I'm not sure who wrote the text), and I quote: "constructed of 6061 aluminum, the Resurrection rims feature 16mm x 16mm square holes throughout the rim to maximize weight savings without sacrificing strength." Right. According to whom, exactly? A structural engineer? The warranty department? NASCAR? Your mom? You'll have to excuse me whilst I remain skeptical. And I'd love to hear what George French thinks of these abominations.

For the record, they apparently weigh 460 grams apiece. In comparison, an Odyssey 7K-A or Sun Big City Lite weighs 490 grams, and a Rhyno Lite weighs 415 grams. Hmmm. I'll take the rim that hasn't been attacked by maniac with a hole-punch, Alex. (Not to mention a Rhyno Lite/Big City Lite combo is actually 15 grams lighter.)
From what I could sort out from their website, K-124 seems to primarily produce trials stuff. Which makes sense—I've seen plenty of trials wheels with huge holes in them. But correct me if I'm wrong, trials bikes usually have equally huge tires (with low pressure), super-wide rims, and—while they do big drops—land going in a straight line. And they still blow up. Wouldn't want to see what happens if you land three-quarters of the way through a high-speed whip or 360 on your Resurrections.
I do hope that, like the Mongoose Pro Class rims of old, you can get different colored rim strips to liven up your ride.
And I hope the good people at K-124 remember one thing: in order to be resurrected, first you have to die.
Holy holey rims batman
I'm bored with all posts that don't include Alienation.
Its basically Jesus in a rim. The holes representing how he was hung and stabbed and lite weight. The name representing him being a holy ghost and floating away. Or maybe all those people were high on PCP. I bet they cosponsor salvation.
If something is heavy though dosnt it mean that it is strong? Plus the rim dose look good dont you agree?
Heavy doesn't equal strength, and Hell no holes straight through do not look good.
Russ, you stole my rimstrip joke. I expect compensation.
Dans Comp should just start selling drills and routers.
yeah,DIY will be the new fad in bmx...(and contests sponsored by HOME DEPOT instead of REDBULL)
maxibmx, with a wait freak bike like yours on the wtp forum i would of thought you would have one already?
Mix 1 part taiwan catalog rim- (heavy and low quality)
and 2 parts drill press-
(always wear safety goggles kids)
and congrats youve now done squat for the evolution of rims if we even need anything anyway.
I wonder what Alex Liiv thinks of these rims...
Just delete the spaces in between those.
"maxibmx, with a wait freak bike like yours on the wtp forum i would of thought you would have one already?"
Haha, so why don't you go ahead and tell us who you are?
"Weight freak" doesn't come close to describing my bike. I don't even know how it's as light as it is. The Sunday frame is well over five pounds, there is no ti, and except for the barends there is no plastic. Oh, and there are no mods whatsoever, or any parts with strange looking holes.
I think the fact that you'd need a rimstrip the size of an airport runway won't help the weight argument.
I suppose a plus is you can put the valve stem just about anywhere.
Well, at least we don't have to worry about the French taking over bmx. Imagine if France actually produced some really great parts--in no time we'd all be wearing berets, black and white striped shirts, and little mustaches, carrying around big loafs of bread and sitting in little cafes smoking cigarettes. Terrifying.
they had an ad in the last creme that made about as much sense as their website.
maxi, make a topic on wtp forum and find out!
I don't care that much. I just think it's funny I'm not afraid to express myself without hiding who I am, yet people who try to start shit with me(and start shit with others like Russ and G) are perfectly happy to remain unknown so that they aren't held accountable for their stupidity...
maxi do it please
or at least have a guess (it is a wtp forum member)
OK. I apologize Russ. I like guessing games.
That's the only shot I'm taking.
Two words... Freedom Fires.
Russ, I love you blog but does anyone actually read my post? I'm starting to feel a little bit rejected...
my friend rides street on a trials bike with drilled rims and his rims hold up pretty good. tons of manual-180's off stairsets and whatnot.
alex liiv's rim blew up at the seam, it looks like it probably was just a pinned seam
This was a softball pitch of a product.
looks like a bag of koxx
I read your posts Jeff, sometimes I think no one reads mine as they don't respond. But then again if no one's got anything to say back surely you have a watertight argument/point - or no one cares; i like to think it's the former.
Alex's rim dying was scary man, mind you I'm not really surprised with a huge drop like that. And he lands it bang; both wheels slamming down super quick. It looked like he had ran out of forward momentum to kill the drop out of the jump. Hard to tell from the angle though.
I want to know what rims Randy Taylor used
And what's Cameron Wood riding rim wise at the mo?
I think BMX companies should make a move towards letting their buying public see the results of safety testing. At the moment it seems that a pro will ride a prototype part and after a while give the ok. I want to see breakage tests in a lab.
Possibly best to steer clear of buying the same model car that was in the video.
My Gusset chain assures me of 1500kg of tensile strength, my interlock V2 assures me it "will perform to the level I demand" - I want a video proving it. Same goes for frames, forks, rims etc. And not some one day half hearted RideBMX testing session
If the bike had been tested properly they would have broken it. The most important thing is breaking point, but no, he just handed it to his little brother after the session. My fears are allayed.
oops, wrong breakage test link - hit this one
pretty sure george released the results of some of his product tests on bikegayed.
i'd like to see the results of the test that told him it would be a good idea to advertise the plegs as working with brick.
Wowzas, from a mechanical point of view, a square hole with radiuses in the corners does not make a hole sronger.. a round hole is actually strongest (who would've guessed?)
i work in a mechanical testing laboratory, i believe all bmx companies should have their products tested. We test chains for tensile strength all the time, as well as testing of certain materials, and x-rays too. So K-124 you should get in contact with
294 Arden St
North Melbourne
There should be a competition amongst the BMX companies like World's Strongest Man (BMX) and a lab like where Sam works can judge. It would make a great magazine feature, hell it could be like a yearly BMX test/event with medals and everything!
I may be getting a little carried away here, I'm unsure if many companies would want to be open to that kind of scrutiny.
K-124 = koxx bikes.
they should stick to trials stuff... they also have a bunch of grim reaped frames. i ride trials and bmx... and much like herpes and my crotch, i prefer it when the two stay separate.
Lab testing done by rider owned companies that are getting by on a shoestring by selling limited edition products...ha ha ha, that's a pipe dream.
when goofy, upstart, corporate companies want us to sell their stuff and offer to send a sample for our "team to test out" we always give the stuff to the next dumb, average, more guts than skill doofus that walks through the door and we say, "put this on your bike and come back next week and tell us what you think". that's real world testing. it's better than giving it to some up & comer who thinks that if they tell the company what they really think it'll ruin their chances of getting sponsored...and that's really what riding is all about these days...getting sponsored, right?
Isn't that a 72 hole rim? Just go find an old pair of Spins on ebay. They're probably just as light and will break just as easy.
Then again what do I know. I still run 48s front and rear.
Stephen, you get a girl to walk into my shop and show me her boobies and you're on the flow list. git 'r dun.
*pumps fist like Tiger*
*thinks about dinner plates*
If this post title was a reference to the Andrew W.K. song, then this is the greatest blog of all time. If not, then it's still pretty good.
Biggie album, actually.
The one little detail you leave out is they are SUPPOSED to be filled with cement and then sealed with chicklets. Pez will work well but they offer an increased weight penalty and are structurally inferior.
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