Like the Resurrections, they're really not much lighter than a conventional undrilled rim (heavier than a Rhyno Lite). Which makes it all a matter of aesthetics, and whether you actually want to run a "front-specific" rim or not. Personally? No thanks. I know it works for motorcycles and dragsters and stuff, but it's not for me.
Apparently they strengthened the sidewalls by adding extra material there. What, by using the metal they drilled out of the middle? No sir, I don't get it.
Please excuse the short post, not really feeling myself today.
can't believe you haven't had something to say about the Animal rims that have holes not only down the center but along the sidewalls as well. i think i'm just gonna start running around the park carrying my bars to look like i've got the rest of the bike but that way my set up will only be a few ounces, have no top tube to get in the way, don't have to concern myself with all those pesky angles and i can still do sweet turn downs over the hip. and if my shoe comes untied it'll be the equivelent of getting a flat.
also dont get it. i ran a set of og hazzards with some holes in them a few yeas back. just because i was curious. it actually held up just fine. but that was an og hazzard that wasnt already bastardized by the light weight trend. word on the street is the animal rims dont lace up perfectly round? anybody else hear anything like that?
DUde,i actually dig the fly rims...bash me now.
these are front because it isn't cross laced like the "rear version"
+those rims are like real strong, having one on the front for almost a year now and not trued once.
and next to nothing wobble.
and russ always enjoy reading your blog.
(that dutch kid at the banks couple months ago)
Oh, hey, what's up Aaron? From the BET filming day?
anonymous 2:59: Been meaning to post something on the Animal (and Shadow) rims for some time now. Although I'm almost positive that the Animal rim just has holes along the sides (on a bevelled edge).
And I'm not sure about not lacing round, but apparently cross-lacing (on any rim) is a nightmare and a half.
What I've always wondered about rims and frames with holes all over them, is that isn't there going to be some amount of dirt/etc that is going to get in there and not come out. Making your bike 1) heavier, and 2) just plain gross.
haha ya I never thought about dirt getting in stuff like that. That would suck. I'm just thinking of how much it sucks getting those turd clods out of your bars when you don't have bar ends, I can't even imagine having to do that for your rim with about 40 times as many holes.
Speaking as someone who used to ride trials, with drilled out single wall rims up front and drilled out double wall rims in the back, you don't really get any dirt/mud caught in there. The only time I ever had any sort of 'issue' ('cos it's not even like it's a problem) with that was riding sections through rivers, and that was just getting the small amounts of water that somehow made it onto the top surface of my rim. Riding BMX, you're going to be pretty much immune from that.
why not talk shit on animal rims with front specifics and holes all over them as well and not to mention sorry for the lack of a link since i am not a internet thug but superclass did it with mongoose 20+ years ago but since you prob suck all thos e dudes off while your chilling at the banks that wont happen
If Ruben Run's them.....nuff said!
Ruben also gets free stuff... If I got free stuff I wouldn't care if my bike snapped in half. It's free!
free or not free, breaking shit is gay, id rather life an extra few ounces, seriously, people were still amazing bike riders 10 years ago with heavy bikes, get over the weight, "oh no i have to use the muscles my arms i dont have to do double whips if i cant double whip i cant win comps".........
As much as I love your site Russ, I agree you haven't really shit talked Animal. Scurred? I got rid of all the animal shit off my bike early this year. I think the team and Ralph are cool but nothing is new or exciting. A pivotal wedge post? C'mon, who wants to risk being known as the company that stole an idea from BIKEGUIDE kids!
I don't want to dig through and find them all right now, but I've talked about the GLH-Rs, the butted pegs AND the wedge post.
There's the wedge thing. That was back in April!
i really dont get why someone makes a website about everything they hate about somehting they do... your a wierdo. just chill and go with the flow.
"word on the street is the animal rims dont lace up perfectly round? anybody else hear anything like that?"
here's what i know. i was just hanging with my local bike shop owner a few days ago and someone had him lace up an animal rim to...a coalition hub, i believe...and he was telling me about how they are crossed laced so much that they were extremely hard to true. it took him about an hour and a half to get it right...for comparison, he laced up a madera cassette to a primo balance and trued it in 45 minutes. and that's got staggered flanges.
correct me if i'm wrong, but it's not really possible to have a rim that can't lace up at least very close to being perfectly round.
I agree with you on most things Russ but I like the Fly Rims. They've held up better than the Hazards and G sport rim I had previously.
Damn you're good. Keep up the GREAT work.
I bet you felt yourself at least a little bit today!
fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
Ok so has any one realized that by taking material away from the places where strength is not so crucial and relocating it to the places that are you have a stronger rim that has the same weight?? Russ I enjoy the blog thoroughly but really only for the updates on stuff I might have missed off of bmxfeed and my daily addiction to bmx blogs.
Rims have always had holes in and rarely failed or cracked as a result of them, having (round!) holes on the outside really isnt as shocking as it first seems.
jake- thanks for the answer. and to answer your question...yes, a brand new rim sometimes doesnt lace up perfectly true. usually due to a shitty rim. not saying the animal rim is shitty. id like to lace one up myself if i get a chance and see what all the "hoop-lah" is about.
russ don't know if it was for BET, edwin nigel and tyrone were there with you and i saw you before at dah shop.
http://i39.photobucket.com/albums/e199/justanew-B/IMG_0858.jpg heres a pic btw;)
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