FRAME: 21" Fit Edwin 2007 prototype
FORKS: Odyssey Race
BARS: Animal Bob Lite
STEM: Animal Jumpoff
CRANKS: Odyssey Wombolt, LHD, 175mm
PEDALS: Odyssey Jim C Mag (unsealed)*
SPROCKET: Terrible One American Flyer, 28t
FRONT WHEEL: Odyssey Hazard Lite/Vandero 2
REAR WHEEL: Odyssey Hazard Lite/LHD cassette, 10t
TIRES: Odyssey Plyte 2.1
PEGS: Odyssey Pleg (4)**
SEAT: Animal Cush
POST: Macneil
GRIPS: Animal Edwin
BAR ENDS: Odyssey Par Ends
CHAIN: KMC 510hx
* Actually, the pedals are currently black Twisted PCs (I know)...
** ...mostly because I'm running Plegs. Seemed silly to have plastic pegs and metal pedals. Still not used to grinding quietly.
MODS: Not much—I'm no Chase Gouin. Cut the seatpost, cut the steerer, that's it.
(I realize that the one photo is something of a cop-out—I meant to do a shot-for-shot match of the Fit S3.5 preview, but it just never happened.)
plastic pegs.
they dont grind they slide reminds me of inliners.
4 pegs what do you flatland ?
coulda been worse coulda been better
can't knock ya
I thought you'd have brakes too, dunno why, guess it's a shame when running a front brake and not doing 100% flatland can be seen as a sign of rebellion.
I love the anon criticisms on here, anon people; you aint got a leg to stand on if you don't have the balls to leave your name, whatcha scared of? Someone gonna come round your house and show you how to ride proper?
I like the plastic pegs, I run them too and I'm not too rough on them so the saved weight is great.
And as far as you "running half the shit you bust on" (anon wanker) I'd be more concerned if you spoke/busted on things you'd never tried. Keep up the good work mate, I well enjoy reading your stuff every day.
Cheers, Si
whats the necro as band sticker on your frame? insamely hard to read, hahah but aren't they all....... oh and nice blog, good read.
Sticker is Darkthrone.
While I prefer metal pedals, PCs are $12, and I thought they'd go better with the Plegs. Which I'm not entirely sold on.
I've always run four pegs.
Do you live in New York or what? rockin the am:pm stickers etc. Do you hang out with Nigel and Edwin? Supa street rida! I though you would have brakes too. I love reading your blog, keep it up man.
Darkthrone? Insane Norwegian Black Metal Band?
You're a REAL BMX-rider, this blog gets better with every entry
Yeah, I gotta say I'm a bit surprised. I figured you run brakes, have a "regular" seatpost run way higher—hell, you don't even have a seatpost clamp!
That's about as low as I'd ever let my seat get. And I ditched brakes something like 10 years ago.
he appears to have the right idea not supporting the cum up...good one russ.
Having looked at the photo (somehow it's different than looking at the bike itself), I think I do need to raise my seat a bit.
No Gary Ellis.
wow. when i think of a NYC bike, that is what i think of pretty much to the letter.
i put together a CDL v2 on monday and had it back apart by yesterday. 21.25 and 14" chainstays are too long. going back home to the Pantera 2. But she will look different. I have a plan.
i can't run with plastic pegs. loud pipes save lives, yo.
That's partially the point.
I've only had the Plegs on for a couple sessions. They're cool, but I can see myself going back to steel soon. The plastic pedals might have to go, too. Much like Gene Simmons, I love it loud.
Bike's just under 50% bikeguido. And it's very ugly.
Carry on.
it's kinda hard to not make a trendy bike now a days... all the parts are weird colors or have special features.
4 pegs 4 lyf!
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