If Jules from Pulp Fiction rode a bike, it would probably look something like this.
What elusive pro owns this steed? I expect to see the answer within the first three comments. If no one gets it right, I'll share tomorrow.
And for bonus points, please point out the 2,359,006 ways the first bike differs from this one:

(I hate it when you can't slide your seat back on the rails because it hits the rear tire. Wait, what?)
paul buchanan.
Well, that was easy.
and i was gonna say Scotty Cramner...
I was just going to say that
Yeah, I had Paul B. The sprocket and the T-1 gave that away.
Mr. NER, any word on getting me a password that works?
Paul B definately... But looks like others beat me to it, haaa.
FWIW, Paul has ran (run?) his seat low for over a decade.
Paul Buchanan, The Aardvark, Rolly B. Whatever you want to call him. One of the sickest riders ever. He def. need a signature frame.
Oh, I do think of the children.. I think of them all the time!
I've known Paul since he ran four pegs, two brakes...
A question: at what point does a brakeless, seat slammed, freecoaster-equipped, pegless bike become a:
... of course it is ultimately still freestyle.
why would that bike be considered a scooter, skateboard, or a toy? it has a drive train you jerk off.
i'm trying to imagine what it's like to give a fuck about, or even notice, the position of someone else's seat, but it's just too pointless.
As much as i agree that Paul is one of the sickest riders ever... You can't forget that he is one of leaders of the way people ride and there bikes are setup now. All the barspin variations, bunny-hop tailwhips, brakeless footjam whips, etc as well as low seats were all started with him and a select few. He was the first guy I ever saw with a low seat in person that didn't race back in 1997 I think.
Rich - I remember riding with Paul when the footjam nosepick thing was started - as a dork trick. Jarek's ramps. But then he unleashed footjam tailwhip nosepicks, and dork turned serious.
Rode with him in August. Was still doing his own thing
The first slammed seat I remember seeing was Jeff Harrington's. Then again he also shaved the middle of his head and wore a duck helmet. Of all three of those, um, eccentricities, I thought the duck helmet was most likely to catch on. Who knew?
Haha I forgot about his old setup... I'm pretty sure he zip tied his seat to his frame for a while. He did start that whole peg bonk thing that was big for a while.
Yep him and Greg Axford.
why would you want to sit down and pedal? I run my seat high enough to pinch and like to sit down when coasting, but a seat that high would get in the way when you hop, surely?
hey russ...
I sit down and coast sometimes, at least (my seat is pretty low, just not slammed). And when I do so I'd rather not run the risk of rear-tire castration. Modern street bikes are starting to get about as useful as an actual bike as modern flatland bikes.
Stfu you suck at riding. that's why your so bitter.
Trail riders have been running low/slammed seats and big hangers since before the begging of time!
someone send me some brakes other than those damn tektros that came on mine. Then i'll ride them. geez
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